Eight Personalities of Procrastination
When we procrastinate, we tend to take on one or more procrastination personalities.
Here are eight of them.Take a look and see if you have any of these.
1 Drifters: Don’t plan their time and never assign a date.
2 Happy Helper: Put their needs aside for the needs of others.
3 Perfect Preparer: Nothing is done unless it’s perfect.
4 Socializers: Social needs become more important and easily distracted.
5 SANE: Super Attention Natural Enthusiam – Excited at first then lose interest.
6 Lovable Clown: Treat procrastination as a joke and build idenity around it.
7 Renaissance Man/Woman: Need to know something about everything but master of none.
8 The Blank Slate: No goals, objectives or priorities…drifting